Tuesday, June 22, 2010

3 Week Old F1B Labradoodles | Southern California Labradoodle Goldendoodle Breeder

Wow...I CANNOT believe Molly's puppies are 3 weeks old!  Those weeks have literally zoomed by me and I'm trying to remember to soak up each and every day with these little cuties since they grow so much every week!

These little kiddos are starting to get playful with each other and it's so fun to hear them start to growl (playfully!) and bark at each other!  They are getting more stable with their walking, although it's not super smooth just yet.  Their teeth will be coming in and soon it will be lots of new adventures from solid food to eating outside.  Love this age!  Here's how much they've grown:

Orange Boy:
Yellow Girl:
Green Girl:
Blue Boy:
Purple Girl:
Pink Girl: