Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Puppies, puppies and more puppies!

Welllll, things have been busy here in Doodle-land!

Last Tuesday, Ruby delivered a gorgeous litter of 9 healthy F1 Goldendoodles!!  Her delivery was pretty quick.....considering 9 babies!...... and she did a fabulous job during the deliver.  She glows as a mama and is so proud of her puppies!  I'm so proud of her too and am blessed by such a great litter. There are 6 girls and 3 boys.  Just a couple of spots remain open with this litter!  Here they are at 1 week old:


Late Saturday Night/Sunday Morning, Lilly delivered 8 beautiful F1B Labradoodles!  The final score was 5 girls and 3 boys.....all absolutely adorable!  One little girl was quite a bit smaller than the others but appeared from all outward signs to be like her siblings......just a bit weaker.  As the day went on, I noticed that she just wasn't thriving as well as the others and wasn't nursing.  I decided to keep her right by me as much as I could so I could keep a close eye on her and I spoke to my vet about her, read up on the "fading puppy," had her in a cozy warm bed and hand fed her every hour.  She continued to be weak but would show signs of improving and gaining strength.  Monday evening her health seemed to quickly turn in the opposite direction and she passed early Tuesday morning.    :(  I know these things happen, sometimes for unknown reasons, but I'm still so bummed.  BUT, I am remaining very, very thankful for the other 7 cuties who ARE thriving and who ARE very healthy and are just as cute as can be.  Lilly is an amazing mom and doesn't want to leave them for one.single.minute.  I literally have to get a leash and pull her (or pick her up) out of the whelping box just to go potty.    :)

Seeing a new life be born never, ever, ever, EVER gets old---human or animal---and I'm always in awe of God's beautiful creations!!

Here are Lilly's babies at 3 days new.  Spots still available with her litter!