Friday, November 12, 2010

2 Week Old F1 Goldendoodles | Southern California Goldendoodle Labradoodle Breeder

Ruby's puppies are now 2 weeks and 3 days old...already!  Their eyes are beginning to open and they are starting to be more stable on their legs. So fun!  It's crazy to think that they are going to be spunky little kids in just a short time!  I can't wait to see how their personalities unfold.  Speaking of 2 weeks old.....and so begins the challenge of taking good pictures!  At this stage, they are only concerned with being apart of the puppy pile and just want to huddle together. ...which I love....but they always seem to have their bottoms facing the camera instead of their faces!

1-2 spots are available with this litter.  Please contact Julie @ for more info.

(Blue, Orange & Grey Boy)

White, Green and Red Girls
Pink, Yellow and Purple Girls