Monday, December 1, 2014

Izzy & Ryder's 6 Week Old F1 English Goldendoodles | Southern California Los Angeles Goldendoodle Breeder

helllooooo there!  Just returning back after a long Thanksgiving weekend off.  Hope everyone enjoyed their holiday!  We are still finishing up our leftovers, but I love it!

Here are some loooong overdue photos of Izzy & Ryder's litter of medium F1 English Goldondoodles. They are 6 weeks old now, enjoying playing outside and getting very spunky 'n sassy.  A fun bunch, if I do say so myself!  ;)  Taking pictures of them is a challenge because they just wanna play and not sit still.  Add in a 7 yr old and 9 yr old helper and it becomes a mini circus!  These aren't the best photos so try not to judge personality or character by them, but I hope you enjoy!

If you'd like to get on Izzy's wait list in case of a cancellation, or would like your very own Faithful Doodle, we'd love to talk with you! : 661.702.7955

Black Boy 
Blue Boy
Green Boy
Orange Boy
Pink Girl 
Red Boy
Yellow Girl
Thank you for stopping by!  Please be sure to come check us out on Facebook!