There is alway much to be thankful for and I'm so, so thankful to have a dog like Daisy. She's one in a million....truly. And Royal, well he's pretty hard to beat himself, so the combo of these two produce phenomenal puppies.....IMHO. I felt like I missed out not keeping a puppy from their last litter because they were my personal favorites (so far at least!) and I have been more than anxious for the arrival of this litter. I had planned on keeping a cream female for my own family and, hopefully, a welcomed addition to the Faithful Doodles breeding stock.
I wasn't sure if Daisy was even pregnant and when an ultrasound showed 3...maybe 5 at the most, that was great news itself! Then, at day 56, an xray showed 8! Wow....8!! How awesome! :)
The day of delivery came and Daisy & I camped out together in the living room while she started laboring. When it was time for her to start pushing, I moved her to her special "whelping box" where she delivers her pups. At 4:55 am, the first little sweet pup was welcomed into the world with quite the strong will....a very healthy pup! I continue to wait and watch closely to make sure all goes well. Sometimes, and quite commonly, the momma doesn't always take off the sacks and/or the umbilical cords, so I'm ready to aid when necessary, as that could be critical. And sometimes the pups can come quickly one after another or an hour or more in between. Daisy delivered another healthy pup and seemed to settle in for a little rest.
By this time, my own crew of 3 were waking up, ready for breakfast and some lovin'. I took a little break and then went back to check on her. I was shocked and horrified to find a little pup that Daisy had hid in the newspaper with the sack still on it! The second I picked it up, I knew it was too late. I removed the sack, but there was no movement, no breathing, body was cold and turning blue. I can't even begin to tell you how remorseful I felt! It was horrible!! Then, I realized that it was a cream female and the sadness was even greater.
All of a sudden, my instincts kicked in and I was determined to do everything I could to try and bring this little baby back! I wrapped her in a warm blanket, did CPR, little chest compressions, suctioned the nose and rubbed it's body. I continued to do this over and over and over. And then I thought I saw a short, quick breath. I stopped and starred. Nothing..... Was I imagining it?? I didn't know, but would hate to be wrong. I couldn't stop. I continued. And continued. And then I saw it again. A little, short breath. HOPE!! There was hope! During all of this, I called my own vet, who was busy with another emergency, and I also called my dad. He gave me more tips and encouragement on what to do. The little girl
started breathing very sporadically and then let out the tinniest little cry. A cry...that's great! All I could think of was HOPE! MORE Hope! Her little body was very weak and cold, so I created a nice, toasty warm little bed for her and continued to monitor her closely, still suctioning her nose to try to clear anything out.
In the mean time, I watched Daisy delivered 3 more healthy puppies. I couldn't leave her side and sat for 2 hours waiting for the next 2 to arrive. Waiting, waiting, waiting. It seems like things just don't happen when you sit and watch! By this time, lunch was over and my 3 were ready for naps. I was gone 10-15 minutes and when I came back, I found the same
thing.....another sweet little puppy under newspaper with the sack still around it. UUGGHHH! Heart-wrenching!! I knew this one HAD to have a chance, since it didn't seem as far gone as the little girl. So, I repeated the little rounds of CPR and after only a couple of times, he started coming around. Then I heard a little squeak and knew that it was good! This tiny little boy got extra TLC and then joined the little girl in her toasty warm basket to warm up. After a couple hours, even though they were still very weak, I put then with Daisy and they began to nurse.
YEAH! I knew things could still turn south, but there was still that CHANCE........ that HOPE that they could make it. And so goes their day.....lots of warmth, love and chances to nurse. Each time I put them with Daisy, I could see them just a tiny bit stronger. I still didn't want to get too excited about it because the next few days would be critical.....
By now, Daisy had delivered 7 puppies and the vet was pretty confident that there were 8. An accurate puppy count can be hard to determine, since they can hide behind one another, lay on top of each other, etc. But the time was beginning to pass....several hours in fact, and so I
decided to take Daisy in to the after-hours ER clinic to see what was going on. An x-ray showed the 8th puppy still there, not stuck or in any apparent danger. They gave her a shot to help start contractions and told me about a something else I could pick up at the store to give her. I ran into the store and when I returned, I found Daisy, in the back of my car, pushing out #8!!! It was quite messy, but I was thrilled nonetheless to welcome a black little boy into the world. He seemed a tiny bit weak, but at the same time, he was wigglin', movin' and squealing! Considering everything from this day, that was great!
I was nervous for the first night, as I knew both my cream little girl and the cream male were still in critical condition. I decided to put them with their mama & siblings and let her take care of them and give them the chance to nurse through the night. It was a wonderful sight to be greeted by 8 wiggling pups the next day!
As much as I want to be in the whelping box with all the pups, I usually try not to disturb mama and babies TOO much the first few days, as she recovers and they build their strength. I ran out to do a couple errands in the evening and, when I returned, I was crushed to find that #8 had passed away. :( Poor Daisy....she was very upset and I'm not sure what happened to the little guy. I tried a few rounds of CPR, but after a couple times, there wasn't even the slightest
response. I don't know if maybe he really was weak due to her taking such a long time to deliver him or if she accidentally laid on him (which isn't uncommon) or....... It was just awful! :( we are with the pups being 2 old......quite the 2 days it's been! As sad as I am over the loss of #8, I am very, very thankful that the other 2 puppies got a 2nd chance and little bit of hope to grow up. They all have gained weight and you wouldn't be able to pick out the "two" just by watching them nurse and wiggle around! They are definitely go-getters! I think the "two" are still a tiny bit weaker than the rest, but goodness, given what happened, they're rockstars! I still don't know if we are totally out of the woods, but things are looking good!! I'd also like to give a huge THANKS to my dad for answering the many, many phone calls and questions.
SOOOO......without further ado, I'd like to introduce you to the wonderful 7, but more specifically, I'd like to introduce you to CHANCE and two sweet "two" who now have an extra special place in my heart. I purposely don't name the puppies just to help me not get TOO attached while they are here, but these 2 have earned it!
Here's HOPE & CHANCE! (Chance has the red collar. Hope is also pictured with my son in the previous blog post).....

And the whole crew together......