Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Izzy's 6 Week Old F1 English Goldendoodles

Izzy & Neo's medium F1 English Goldendoodle puppies turned 6 weeks old today!  Can't believe it!  They are the sweetest bunch and so so quiet....which is always nice.  ;)  They love people & can't wait for someone to hold them & play with them.  Look at how much they've grown!

Spots available with this litter!  Please contact Julie: 
faithfuldoodles@hotmail.com or 661-702-7955

Black Boy
Blue Boy
Green Boy
Pink Girl
Purple Girl
Orange Boy
Red Boy
Yellow Boy

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Hope's 2 Week Old F1B Labradoodles | Southern California Los Angeles Labradoodle Breeder

Hope's F1B Labradoodle puppies are two weeks old and sweet as can be!  They are growing a lot and have just started opening their eyes.  Looks like they are squinting!  I'm loving the colors, mismarks, coats and chubbiness.  Look how cute they are!

Spots available with this litter!  Please contact Julie @ 
661-702-7955 or faithfuldoodles@hotmail.com

Red, Orange & Black Boys:

Pink, Purple & Green Girls:

Yellow, Red & White Girls: 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Izzy's 4 Week Old F1 English Goldendoodles | Southern California Los Angeles Goldendoodle Breeder

Miss Izzy's medium/standard F1 English Goldendoodle puppies turn 4 weeks old tomorrow and are so super cute!  They are a quiet bunch & are just now starting to wrestle and play together.  I love hearing their little barks at each other!  They love their mama and their mama loves them!  :)

Puppies available from this litter!  Please contact us at:

Here they are at just a few days shy of 4 weeks old:

Red Boy
Yellow Boy
Orange Boy
Green Boy
Purple Girl
Blue Boy
Pink Girl
Black Boy